Fear. Uncertainty. Stress. Anger. Sadness.
You’re going to feel all these things and more. Sometimes, you may not be able to put a name to the emotions you’re feeling.
If your emotions feel confusing or out of control, these stories and tips may help you better understand and cope with what’s going on inside.
Getting Used to the New Normal88
Cancer can totally change your sense of “normal.” It may impact your ability to do your job, spend time with loved ones, or go about your daily routine. It’s okay to feel frustrated by these changes, but there are ways to make this new normal easier.
Managing Your Emotions
There’s no right or wrong way to feel. However, finding ways to express and cope with your emotions may make it easier to get through each day.
- Pay attention to your feelings e.g. if you are having trouble concentrating, having changes in feelings about your physical appearance, or feeling irritated or angry.
- Take action to manage them.
- Talk about your feelings and concerns with your doctor or your cancer care team.
- Share any feelings and fears with your family or friends.
- Reach out to a professional counsellor or therapist.
- Join a support group.
If you are feeling great now, that’s terrific. Keep these tips handy in case your feelings change.
If you experience serious emotional challenges or negative thoughts, seek help right away.
Build a Good Support System
No one should go through cancer alone. Having the right support is important — and it will look different for everyone. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor any questions you have, share any feelings and fears with your family and friends, and seek support through counselling and patient groups.
Managing Stress and Tension
Other than talking to your loved ones, seeking professional help or talking to your cancer care team, you can also try engaging in certain activities that will help you focus and keep calm. For example:
- Writing in a journal.
- Expressing yourself through drawing or painting.
- Listening to music or reading.
- Meditation.
Click here to learn more about Tips and Guidance relating to other aspects of cancer care.